I have had "Build Me Up Buttercup" stuck in my head for the last 4 days. I never know when it will stop lurking in my subconscious and spring at me. I mean, I obviously feel worse for the poor innocents when may overhear me launch into an off-key rendition, but talk about an ear worm...
In other news...I'll get to my weekend last.
I just got home from my night class, and we're THIS close to being done. This Wednesday we'll slap a patina on that sucker and call 'er finished. I hadn't realized how emotionally invested I am in it until a guy from class asked if he could see it. I noticeably drew my hand back even as the words "Of Course..." slipped through my lips. Worst of all, he noticed. A little embarrassing, but he understood of course and so we just laughed about it.
Another funny thing was at my work study today. I got to assemble 50 orientation packets for some incoming students. Each with about 20 different pages. I only had to 3-hole punch 2 of the documents, but apparently it was enough of a difference that I couldn't simply put them together. So, I got to put them together in chunks. The funny part was that my boss was so apologetic. However, the only bad about it is that it's mind-numbingly boring. Much like wrapping condoms or shredding documents for hours. It has the added bonus of not being manure to shovel. At any rate, I will take mindless work over sitting bored any day, so in comparison I found her comment on the situation merely funny.
Today was an interesting day in dance. We learned the last moves for the Waltz (except one) and they went pretty disastrously for me with a partner. Not helping the situation was that I only danced with one guy that I'd danced with before. However, the other 3 were actually all from English classes I've taken (one from back in my sophomore year and he clearly didn't remember me. Fair enough since he's had a lot more classes at UND than me), including 2 currently in classes with me. Regardless, I still had fun and I'm glad I'm taking the class. Our test is coming up next week, but I think it'll go ok. I actually had to tell one of my partners not only the count, but also the cues for almost every move we made - so that has boosted my confidence.
My weekend was pretty much amazing. I saw my family and watched the soccer game they'd come up for. They took a beating...but apparently it's their 5th game in 8 days. I'd probably be a little broken too by then. I spent Friday night watching the debate with some international students (we mostly watched the lines and made jokes about Tom, erm, John, but plenty about both candidates). Then I hung out with Eric and some of his friends, although Guitar Hero is definitely not my forte. Saturday night Eric and I went out with the international students to a couple of places and had a blast. I hadn't been out since Regensburg, and it was nice to have people around. This was after a family dinner where Uli and Eric got to meet Benny (and some other family members as well). On Sunday, after church I did homework until Eric made some amazing Alfredo at the guys' apartment and then I went home. It was a pretty long and tiring weekend, but definitely a lot of fun.
Anyhow, I need to go and do more homework (shocking...) and should finish my food before it gets cold.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Twilight is the Crack Cocaine of literature.
So, yeah...Twilight (the newest fad following in the shoes of Harry Potter) sucked in my soul yesterday. I may have read from about page 190 (my work from the afternoon) starting at about 11pm until I finished it. Now, I did do my homework first, but I was up outrageously late, and my body and brain were not happy about it today. But I did survive.
Today was as long as any Thursday normally is and then some. Modern Grammar was a bit of a challenge (and I think it's all going down hill from here), and my Brit Lit class was all right. Since my German Prof had to help introduce a speaker at a conference on campus, he told us he expected us to be there instead. Well, Eric and I showed up...and suffered enormously. The speaker was an aide to JFK and public speaking was not his forte. So that was less than fun. I went to work at 5, and that's when the real excitement began.
I'm running the cultural nights every Thursday as the main component of my job. Tonight was a HUGE turnout- people couldn't all fit in the room - let alone me. So I missed the programming. I actually ran into a few guys from my Ballroom dance class, which was slightly amusing. Cocky Freshmen...do you realize they were born in 1990?!? That's only a year earlier than my youngest brother...talk about scary. However, quite a few other new acquaintances also showed up, and I got to hang out a bit after the food got served. It was also amazing, and the evening went really well. It was kind of funny, because I suddenly realized as I was cleaning up that I am getting paid to do this. I know it sounds funny that I would forget this...but it totally never hit me. I guess it's because I enjoyed going to them before; I almost feel guilty now though. I'll get over it.
Anyhow, tomorrow should be nice and low(er) key. Since I only got home about an hour ago, I'm grateful. I go back to work in the morning, but will be taking an hour to go and do some ballroom practice - we have our first "test" coming up. So that's a little worrisome. I have no idea if I can perform under pressure and I think a lot depends on my partner. We will see...
Today was as long as any Thursday normally is and then some. Modern Grammar was a bit of a challenge (and I think it's all going down hill from here), and my Brit Lit class was all right. Since my German Prof had to help introduce a speaker at a conference on campus, he told us he expected us to be there instead. Well, Eric and I showed up...and suffered enormously. The speaker was an aide to JFK and public speaking was not his forte. So that was less than fun. I went to work at 5, and that's when the real excitement began.
I'm running the cultural nights every Thursday as the main component of my job. Tonight was a HUGE turnout- people couldn't all fit in the room - let alone me. So I missed the programming. I actually ran into a few guys from my Ballroom dance class, which was slightly amusing. Cocky Freshmen...do you realize they were born in 1990?!? That's only a year earlier than my youngest brother...talk about scary. However, quite a few other new acquaintances also showed up, and I got to hang out a bit after the food got served. It was also amazing, and the evening went really well. It was kind of funny, because I suddenly realized as I was cleaning up that I am getting paid to do this. I know it sounds funny that I would forget this...but it totally never hit me. I guess it's because I enjoyed going to them before; I almost feel guilty now though. I'll get over it.
Anyhow, tomorrow should be nice and low(er) key. Since I only got home about an hour ago, I'm grateful. I go back to work in the morning, but will be taking an hour to go and do some ballroom practice - we have our first "test" coming up. So that's a little worrisome. I have no idea if I can perform under pressure and I think a lot depends on my partner. We will see...
Monday, September 22, 2008
I'm getting Old.
Firstly, I'm getting old (and therefore lame) because I put off blogging twice last week, in order to go to bed. The first time was after I made the birthday cake for my German Professor (who was speechless and made the best class ever) and the second was the night before I had to drive for 4 hours. Which is the most boring 4 hour drive in existence. You literally only have to turn to get on and off of the highway. At least the road construction livened it up.
However, this means I am Seriously behind on dancing updates. Wednesday was a little awkward. They made the girls pick the guys. I know, I know, fair is fair and they really should make us do that. It's not like there's a fear of rejection, but I played it like almost every situation when I'm surrounded by guys I don't know. I actually have a theory about it, so now youhave get to read about it. Lucky you! Anyhow, I think there are 2 types of girls in the world when it comes to situations such as this. The one type (hint hint, not me...) will run after the cutest guy they can find. The second type makes a beeline for the least threatening guy in the group. This has worked well for me, except one time. Which is how a guy I didn't know ended up calling his friend, who was Chris's friend who had to call me (because we weren't together) to ask if I liked this guy "more than just as friends". I met him once in my life and the basis of our conversation pertained to hobbits and homosexuality. I was disturbed as well.
However, I digress. I unfortunately had picked a guy who wasn't very comfortable either, and consequently we spent the whole song making only about 2 twirls. Daring. I later was able to dance with a male TA (although not the hilarious one). I was kind of excited - I figured he'd be a good leader. Well, he did lead, but we ended up lapping everyone else multiple times. This guy was cruising. Meanwhile, we did about 60 million turns, him repeating one move about 8 times - until he was positive I could do it. The worst part was his manner, which strong suggested he viewed it as a chore that he had to dance with anyone and was slightly appalled that I wasn't perfect. Yeah...I'll take the no-twirler any day over that....
I eventually made my way back to a guy that I really enjoy dancing with. Mostly. He's a great leader, moves with confidence and can keep time well. He's also the guy who's constantly counting in his eyes. After we'd learned a new move together, one of the TAs announced that anyone 21 or over was welcome to come to Buck's for dancing on Wednesdays. My partner muttered "Yeah...right. Raise your hand if you're 21 or over...that's what I thought" - and then he looked over. I'd jokingly raised my hand at his little snip...and apparently he was shocked that I was 21. Freshman. Pretty funny, actually. But maybe you had to be there.
Anyhow, today we almost all melted in that stupid little room. For whatever reason it felt like it was 100 degrees in there. We learned the "sweetheart" position. (I know...first "cuddle" and now this...). I had quite a few at least competent if not good partners and had fun. I have decided that approximately 50 percent of the guys are aviation students, 45 percent are freshman, and 5 percent are other. Although apparently I semi-offended one of my partners if I asked if he was aviation. He was a pretty shaggy looking guy, so I got a kick out of the fact that he's business.
My weekend was good, minus the boring-as-hell drive. It gave me an opportunity to go through my phone contacts and call some people that I hadn't reconnected with yet since coming back from Germany. I actually got a hold of a couple, so that was fun. I had a good time visiting old friends, and shocking a few who didn't know I was coming. When I got back on Sunday, Eric made Sunday Dinner for a group of (mostly his) friends. It was familiar yet strange at the same time.
Anyways, I should really start my homework now...sigh. Only a ton of pages in German to translate (well, portions of) and a play to do. Anyhow, I'm out...
However, this means I am Seriously behind on dancing updates. Wednesday was a little awkward. They made the girls pick the guys. I know, I know, fair is fair and they really should make us do that. It's not like there's a fear of rejection, but I played it like almost every situation when I'm surrounded by guys I don't know. I actually have a theory about it, so now you
However, I digress. I unfortunately had picked a guy who wasn't very comfortable either, and consequently we spent the whole song making only about 2 twirls. Daring. I later was able to dance with a male TA (although not the hilarious one). I was kind of excited - I figured he'd be a good leader. Well, he did lead, but we ended up lapping everyone else multiple times. This guy was cruising. Meanwhile, we did about 60 million turns, him repeating one move about 8 times - until he was positive I could do it. The worst part was his manner, which strong suggested he viewed it as a chore that he had to dance with anyone and was slightly appalled that I wasn't perfect. Yeah...I'll take the no-twirler any day over that....
I eventually made my way back to a guy that I really enjoy dancing with. Mostly. He's a great leader, moves with confidence and can keep time well. He's also the guy who's constantly counting in his eyes. After we'd learned a new move together, one of the TAs announced that anyone 21 or over was welcome to come to Buck's for dancing on Wednesdays. My partner muttered "Yeah...right. Raise your hand if you're 21 or over...that's what I thought" - and then he looked over. I'd jokingly raised my hand at his little snip...and apparently he was shocked that I was 21. Freshman. Pretty funny, actually. But maybe you had to be there.
Anyhow, today we almost all melted in that stupid little room. For whatever reason it felt like it was 100 degrees in there. We learned the "sweetheart" position. (I know...first "cuddle" and now this...). I had quite a few at least competent if not good partners and had fun. I have decided that approximately 50 percent of the guys are aviation students, 45 percent are freshman, and 5 percent are other. Although apparently I semi-offended one of my partners if I asked if he was aviation. He was a pretty shaggy looking guy, so I got a kick out of the fact that he's business.
My weekend was good, minus the boring-as-hell drive. It gave me an opportunity to go through my phone contacts and call some people that I hadn't reconnected with yet since coming back from Germany. I actually got a hold of a couple, so that was fun. I had a good time visiting old friends, and shocking a few who didn't know I was coming. When I got back on Sunday, Eric made Sunday Dinner for a group of (mostly his) friends. It was familiar yet strange at the same time.
Anyways, I should really start my homework now...sigh. Only a ton of pages in German to translate (well, portions of) and a play to do. Anyhow, I'm out...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Manic Monday?
So, I actually like my Mondays SO much better than my Tuesdays/Thursdays, but today was still pretty busy...but I'm getting ahead of myself.
I went home this weekend, as there was an event with a parade and delicious food and my cousin wanted some pictures with the horses. The event was a letdown, although the parade went all right, it began to drizzle steadily as soon as it finished. The food vendors were much more sparse than usual and I was VERY disappointed to see that they didn't have fry bread this year - pretty much my favorite. I did get to see my friend KT for a little while and also hung out with my family. The pictures with the horses were a little difficult. The horse we used for my cousin was so relaxed we couldn't get her to look good with her ears perked forward. The one I used, however, was so jittery that we couldn't get him to keep his ears in any position and was always trying to wander around. I'd kept him semi-happy with some baby carrots. I was a little careless though, and let him lip my fingers...until he decided to chomp down on my thumb. Owwwwww! It's a little discolored and he broke the skin a bit, but it doesn't really hurt unless it gets pressed on. But really, who gets bitten by a horse?!?
The pictures turned out really nicely, due to the fact that we were allowed to use a Very nice camera. The rest of the weekend was filled with cards, family meals, church and plenty of talking - most of it by me, naturally. B. seems to be fitting in with the family well, and apparently he's the new hottie at the high school. Apparently word hasn't gotten out that he already has a girlfriend -something which makes my mother very happy. I got back home around 4:15 pm and managed to get some homework done.
Today in ballroom we learned how to get back on count (in a twirling manner much more difficult than just stopping and re-starting, but probably much more graceful if done correctly...), to get into and out of the "cuddle" (causing no end of jokes made by the male TA once again) and a dip from the cuddle position. I wasn't much for names today, but I did find out I danced with 3 aviation and 2 accounting majors and one unknown. The Unknown was one of the guys I've danced with before who's quite good. However, he resolutely spends the whole time completely silent and diligently striving not to accidentally make eye-contact. Because everyone knows that's how girls turn guys into stone. Duh.
Really, though, he's funny because he seems like a very hard-core perfectionist, yet also seems to be constantly counting - and thus the no-talking. Maybe I should think of something extremely shocking to say just to see if I can make him laugh (although I'd settle for a smile). Any suggestions?
Anyhow, I ended up with good ol' Wyatt at the end (after a guy who loved to bounce up and down...strange...) who is definitely much more confident and was fun to dance with because he could talk and keep a decent count. Previously, I had a very chatty (once again, freshman) who expounded on his theories of the class, while getting more and more lost to the beat and seemingly not caring. He postulated that the girls were almost all older because the class fills up quickly and that the guys took it because they'd thought it would be easy. I just assumed they took it because of a girlfriend or (more likely) to meet girls. He actually had a girlfriend in the class and it was sweet how he talked about her.
I had my first "day" at work...the guy at the front desk asked me where I thought I was going, and I had to explain that I just got hired - I think it may happen quite a few more times until I get to know everyone at least by face. I got the grand tour and started a little document design, although my computer didn't even have publisher so it was me and good ol' faithful Paint working together. Sigh. I work again on Wednesday and should have more to do.
Metalsmithing went well tonight - at least for me. My 9 or so saw blades I managed to massacre (and most more than once, as I'd use half a blade...) during the evening probably would have a different opinion on the matter. I think doing some of the detail work was so hard on the blades that they couldn't take the angle and pressure required. The lady across from me laughed, but was a in a similar position when her time came. We got lectured at a lot because the instructor has to be gone for at least part of next week. We got demos on using the torch for soldering (and seriously, why did we never use a sparker thingy in chem class????) and the "pickler". Which is basically a glorified crockpot filled with a solution that brings copper out (some sort of sulfide/nitrate mixture). The instructor said he thinks I'll like soldering...which of course intimidates the crap out of me. Sigh. At least I get to practice, and with any luck it won't be my own hair I set aflame.
Anyhow, enough procrastinating...homework?
I went home this weekend, as there was an event with a parade and delicious food and my cousin wanted some pictures with the horses. The event was a letdown, although the parade went all right, it began to drizzle steadily as soon as it finished. The food vendors were much more sparse than usual and I was VERY disappointed to see that they didn't have fry bread this year - pretty much my favorite. I did get to see my friend KT for a little while and also hung out with my family. The pictures with the horses were a little difficult. The horse we used for my cousin was so relaxed we couldn't get her to look good with her ears perked forward. The one I used, however, was so jittery that we couldn't get him to keep his ears in any position and was always trying to wander around. I'd kept him semi-happy with some baby carrots. I was a little careless though, and let him lip my fingers...until he decided to chomp down on my thumb. Owwwwww! It's a little discolored and he broke the skin a bit, but it doesn't really hurt unless it gets pressed on. But really, who gets bitten by a horse?!?
The pictures turned out really nicely, due to the fact that we were allowed to use a Very nice camera. The rest of the weekend was filled with cards, family meals, church and plenty of talking - most of it by me, naturally. B. seems to be fitting in with the family well, and apparently he's the new hottie at the high school. Apparently word hasn't gotten out that he already has a girlfriend -something which makes my mother very happy. I got back home around 4:15 pm and managed to get some homework done.
Today in ballroom we learned how to get back on count (in a twirling manner much more difficult than just stopping and re-starting, but probably much more graceful if done correctly...), to get into and out of the "cuddle" (causing no end of jokes made by the male TA once again) and a dip from the cuddle position. I wasn't much for names today, but I did find out I danced with 3 aviation and 2 accounting majors and one unknown. The Unknown was one of the guys I've danced with before who's quite good. However, he resolutely spends the whole time completely silent and diligently striving not to accidentally make eye-contact. Because everyone knows that's how girls turn guys into stone. Duh.
Really, though, he's funny because he seems like a very hard-core perfectionist, yet also seems to be constantly counting - and thus the no-talking. Maybe I should think of something extremely shocking to say just to see if I can make him laugh (although I'd settle for a smile). Any suggestions?
Anyhow, I ended up with good ol' Wyatt at the end (after a guy who loved to bounce up and down...strange...) who is definitely much more confident and was fun to dance with because he could talk and keep a decent count. Previously, I had a very chatty (once again, freshman) who expounded on his theories of the class, while getting more and more lost to the beat and seemingly not caring. He postulated that the girls were almost all older because the class fills up quickly and that the guys took it because they'd thought it would be easy. I just assumed they took it because of a girlfriend or (more likely) to meet girls. He actually had a girlfriend in the class and it was sweet how he talked about her.
I had my first "day" at work...the guy at the front desk asked me where I thought I was going, and I had to explain that I just got hired - I think it may happen quite a few more times until I get to know everyone at least by face. I got the grand tour and started a little document design, although my computer didn't even have publisher so it was me and good ol' faithful Paint working together. Sigh. I work again on Wednesday and should have more to do.
Metalsmithing went well tonight - at least for me. My 9 or so saw blades I managed to massacre (and most more than once, as I'd use half a blade...) during the evening probably would have a different opinion on the matter. I think doing some of the detail work was so hard on the blades that they couldn't take the angle and pressure required. The lady across from me laughed, but was a in a similar position when her time came. We got lectured at a lot because the instructor has to be gone for at least part of next week. We got demos on using the torch for soldering (and seriously, why did we never use a sparker thingy in chem class????) and the "pickler". Which is basically a glorified crockpot filled with a solution that brings copper out (some sort of sulfide/nitrate mixture). The instructor said he thinks I'll like soldering...which of course intimidates the crap out of me. Sigh. At least I get to practice, and with any luck it won't be my own hair I set aflame.
Anyhow, enough procrastinating...homework?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
One by One...

So, it's getting a little depressing that I'm starting this new blog...maybe I'll stick a counter in (although that could possibly only cause further depression). At any rate, it was another "Good Day", that meaning it was not a Tuesday or Thursday. This meant another thrilling installation of Ballroom Dance. Today we got to learn both the inside and outside twirl and how to "dip". I'll get back to the dipping in a bit.
Once again the Male TA was a riot. He told the guys it was important to correctly signal the turn and to -more importantly - signal the end (grasping the hand again)...The girl TA mentioned the importance of tucking your elbow in whilst turning and the guy chimed in
"Yeah guys, I guarantee that while it's fun to make her spin like a top, she will eventually bring that elbow around...on purpose."
Turning went pretty well, depending on my partners. I had two pretty good leaders, one of which was an extremely talkative guy - in a very friendly manner.
"Hi! I'm Nathan!"
N"So, what are You?"
S"Oh, a senior"
N"Um, a Freshman..."
But, as he's hoping to go into the field of Chiropractics, having an easy going manner will certainly help. However, it kind of made me feel Old. Which is weird, because I'm used to being considered young. The irony is somewhat amusing.
At the end of the class we learned about doing the "Dip". This is how the guy "Thanks" the girl, and in theory he Shouldn't drop her. By this point I was back with Wyatt...who was, in his defense, significantly less nervous seeming than the last time. We practiced the lead up to and the actual dip (Two inside twirls, hand bracing and then the guy lunging a bit with the girl putting a foot "up" and keeping ramrod straight - as shown in my pic...). After we pulled off our first one (which went pretty smoothly) he looked at me, and with a slight amount of accusation in his voice said:
W : "You thought I was going to drop you!"
S: "Yes, yes I did. But, I thought it would probably be my fault..."
He looked slightly shocked, but didn't drop me on the next two, so I think he took it pretty well, really. Oh, yes. Before we did the first dip, the Male TA suddenly remembered:
"OH! Two things...Guys, if you drop the girl...you owe her dinner. Girls, if he drops you, take him down with you! Then at least you're both on the floor..."
And really, once the fear is gone (because really, I'm not exactly the paragon of grace and slenderness) dipping was kind of fun. Slightly disappointing was my estimate of three girls being dropped was not met. I hold that there will be at least that many total throughout the semester. I would rather prefer NOT to be among those three...
On another amusing topic, my metalsmithing instructor apparently gets a kick out of me. He said he admires my sentiment (claiming that last time I said I was going to try to get an A...something I have NO recollection of saying...) and is amused by my anal-retentiveness. However, I don't think I'm even on the scale for this, as the women across from me are about 3-4 steps behind in our current project and have been extensively using rulers. However, as he caught me dapping (see, first dipping and now dapping...) - which is a process where you dome a material from a flat state involving a hammer and a block that has a bowled out area to shape the metal - he couldn't resist giving me a little more crap. I am really getting a sense of pride out of my project, and I'm enjoying learning all the techniques as well.
At any rate, the Wife of Bath and I have a date...so I'm out.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I totally rocked the Waltz...
And I was definitely in Germany too long. Not only did I have to think out loud how to spell "waltz" (which is German, so that's REALLY pathetic), but this morning I couldn't spell "relevant". Plus people are getting tired of me asking "What's that word again...?", especially Eric, since I don't even know the word in German half of the time.
At any rate. I had ballroom dance this morning. But Steph, you might say - you Don't dance. And you're absolutely 140% correct. I think dancing has to be one of the most socially awkward customs that we have (that and male athletes with their excessive butt-slapping). Or perhaps I'm just that awkward. At any rate, I have resigned myself to my fate and decided to try to grow as a person this semester. So I took ballroom dance (beginners, obviously) and jewelry making/metalsmithing in addition to my 3 English and 1 German course.
Today was the first day that we did anything with a partner. After learning the basic waltz steps, we got going. There were well over 50 people in the class, so we formed a giant circle of pairs and bumbled our way through the first song. After my first partner, I was tired of apologizing so I resigned myself and decided to just try to enjoy it and go with the flow. Amazingly, this helped tremendously. By the time I got to Daniel (we kept switching partners), after a Cassius, Brian, and 2 Andys, he remarked I was the best dancer he'd had yet. Of course, he could be a shameless flirt (or the people in my class could be truly god-awful), but it warmed my small heart.
The Dance TAs are pretty damn funny though. When telling the guys to put their hands on the girls' backs this was the convo:
"So, put your hand EXACTLY in the middle of her back...right over her bra strap. Yes. I said bra strap"
"Don't go too low, it won't work for giving her signals. And don't go really low, or you'll get into a Lot of trouble"
Later, one of the female TA's was telling the girls not to watch their feet (since we're going backwards, we just have to trust our partner. The same male TA from before chimed in with:
"And guys, don't look down at your feet...because, well, if you're looking down the girls won't assume it's Your Feet that you're looking at..."
So the humor helps as well. The last guy I danced with seemed utterly petrified though - with either the concept of girls or dancing. So while it ended on a slightly awkward note, it was still a ton of fun. Not that we've learned anything hard yet (like twirling, or anything Other than hesitation and the basic stepping), but anything that helps my self-esteem I'll take.
Anyhow, it's late and I should go to bed so I can get up and do some homework tomorrow. What a vicious circle.
At any rate. I had ballroom dance this morning. But Steph, you might say - you Don't dance. And you're absolutely 140% correct. I think dancing has to be one of the most socially awkward customs that we have (that and male athletes with their excessive butt-slapping). Or perhaps I'm just that awkward. At any rate, I have resigned myself to my fate and decided to try to grow as a person this semester. So I took ballroom dance (beginners, obviously) and jewelry making/metalsmithing in addition to my 3 English and 1 German course.
Today was the first day that we did anything with a partner. After learning the basic waltz steps, we got going. There were well over 50 people in the class, so we formed a giant circle of pairs and bumbled our way through the first song. After my first partner, I was tired of apologizing so I resigned myself and decided to just try to enjoy it and go with the flow. Amazingly, this helped tremendously. By the time I got to Daniel (we kept switching partners), after a Cassius, Brian, and 2 Andys, he remarked I was the best dancer he'd had yet. Of course, he could be a shameless flirt (or the people in my class could be truly god-awful), but it warmed my small heart.
The Dance TAs are pretty damn funny though. When telling the guys to put their hands on the girls' backs this was the convo:
"So, put your hand EXACTLY in the middle of her back...right over her bra strap. Yes. I said bra strap"
"Don't go too low, it won't work for giving her signals. And don't go really low, or you'll get into a Lot of trouble"
Later, one of the female TA's was telling the girls not to watch their feet (since we're going backwards, we just have to trust our partner. The same male TA from before chimed in with:
"And guys, don't look down at your feet...because, well, if you're looking down the girls won't assume it's Your Feet that you're looking at..."
So the humor helps as well. The last guy I danced with seemed utterly petrified though - with either the concept of girls or dancing. So while it ended on a slightly awkward note, it was still a ton of fun. Not that we've learned anything hard yet (like twirling, or anything Other than hesitation and the basic stepping), but anything that helps my self-esteem I'll take.
Anyhow, it's late and I should go to bed so I can get up and do some homework tomorrow. What a vicious circle.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I need a techy friend.
...I'll even buy you dinner! (Well, I'd just actually cook you a dinner or two, or express my appreciation in banana bread or a cake.) At any rate, I'd really like something more custom for my blog, but I have absolutely NO idea how to write the coding to implement said changes...an example of one of my Favorite blog layouts is:
It's so clean and I love her photos. What I'd really like to do is be able to put a semi-opaque photo behind the writing and have the text over it. However, I seem to have a dearth of friends with this knowledge, or they're keeping a deep, dark, secret.
Anyhow, I actually have to do my homework now...sigh. I spent the day doing laundry for the first time in my apartment (and it's a good thing Eric was gone, the dryer didn't dry as well as I hoped, and so it looked like my hamper regurgitated half of my wardrobe over the greater area of our apartment) and running various errands. So, wandering reader with techy skills, want to be my new friend?
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