So, it's getting a little depressing that I'm starting this new blog...maybe I'll stick a counter in (although that could possibly only cause further depression). At any rate, it was another "Good Day", that meaning it was not a Tuesday or Thursday. This meant another thrilling installation of Ballroom Dance. Today we got to learn both the inside and outside twirl and how to "dip". I'll get back to the dipping in a bit.
Once again the Male TA was a riot. He told the guys it was important to correctly signal the turn and to -more importantly - signal the end (grasping the hand again)...The girl TA mentioned the importance of tucking your elbow in whilst turning and the guy chimed in
"Yeah guys, I guarantee that while it's fun to make her spin like a top, she will eventually bring that elbow around...on purpose."
Turning went pretty well, depending on my partners. I had two pretty good leaders, one of which was an extremely talkative guy - in a very friendly manner.
"Hi! I'm Nathan!"
N"So, what are You?"
S"Oh, a senior"
N"Um, a Freshman..."
But, as he's hoping to go into the field of Chiropractics, having an easy going manner will certainly help. However, it kind of made me feel Old. Which is weird, because I'm used to being considered young. The irony is somewhat amusing.
At the end of the class we learned about doing the "Dip". This is how the guy "Thanks" the girl, and in theory he Shouldn't drop her. By this point I was back with Wyatt...who was, in his defense, significantly less nervous seeming than the last time. We practiced the lead up to and the actual dip (Two inside twirls, hand bracing and then the guy lunging a bit with the girl putting a foot "up" and keeping ramrod straight - as shown in my pic...). After we pulled off our first one (which went pretty smoothly) he looked at me, and with a slight amount of accusation in his voice said:
W : "You thought I was going to drop you!"
S: "Yes, yes I did. But, I thought it would probably be my fault..."
He looked slightly shocked, but didn't drop me on the next two, so I think he took it pretty well, really. Oh, yes. Before we did the first dip, the Male TA suddenly remembered:
"OH! Two things...Guys, if you drop the girl...you owe her dinner. Girls, if he drops you, take him down with you! Then at least you're both on the floor..."
And really, once the fear is gone (because really, I'm not exactly the paragon of grace and slenderness) dipping was kind of fun. Slightly disappointing was my estimate of three girls being dropped was not met. I hold that there will be at least that many total throughout the semester. I would rather prefer NOT to be among those three...
On another amusing topic, my metalsmithing instructor apparently gets a kick out of me. He said he admires my sentiment (claiming that last time I said I was going to try to get an A...something I have NO recollection of saying...) and is amused by my anal-retentiveness. However, I don't think I'm even on the scale for this, as the women across from me are about 3-4 steps behind in our current project and have been extensively using rulers. However, as he caught me dapping (see, first dipping and now dapping...) - which is a process where you dome a material from a flat state involving a hammer and a block that has a bowled out area to shape the metal - he couldn't resist giving me a little more crap. I am really getting a sense of pride out of my project, and I'm enjoying learning all the techniques as well.
At any rate, the Wife of Bath and I have a date...so I'm out.
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