Well, these were actually my socks from yesterday (notice the nice floral pattern? a Christmas gift that finally got professional use...), but you'll have to take my word that I had my nice blacks on today and Sunday. Obviously, this was not a brief fling with playing dress-up for classes, so I was actually at a conference where I actually got to officially skip classes. How sweet is that?
Except for the fact that I have to make up all that work and collect notes...that is. However, I was able to learn a ton of information and feel that I made some very good contacts. My hope is that I'll really be able to get a foot into the International Programs field. I also managed to have some fun at the group activities and bonding with my co-workers. My "bosses" (who dislike the term) are amazing and have wicked senses of humor (which seems to go with the field). When the bellhop rolled in the roll-away bed, it was vertical, with straps fastening the mattress to the frame. We laughed a little, as the bed fit much better vertical so one of my bosses said:
"Well, since you've only been working for a few month...give it a few more and you'll have earned the right to sleep horizontal..."
So that was an on-going joke this weekend.
Other than the conference, I also got to see some friends this weekend. The first met us for dinner at a good Indian restaurant. It was the first time I'd seen B. since we got back from Germany (and the first time since Germany that we'd gotten Indian again too...yum) and it was fun to reminisce and catch up some. Eric was going crazy after being stuck in the apt all week and sick, so he was particularly glad to get out. He's particularly less happy about being hospitalized tomorrow due to his lagging and steadily worsening pneumonia, but you can't win them all, right?
Jokes aside, I will be relieved when he finally gets better - this has been going on waaaay too long. The "best" side-effect is when anyone asks how things are going I mention that my roommate has pneumonia, then they ask how "she" is doing. At which point I go through the following conversation:
"Oh, my roommate is actually a guy- Eric"
"Oh, I didn't realize you had a boyfriend...you're living together huh?"
"Um, no...we were just studying together in Germany and it just kind of worked out to be convenient for both of us - although I'm sure he'd much rather be living with his German girlfriend"
I keep joking that I'm going to get a T-shirt with 3 arrows and texts on it:
------> Roommate who has a Girlfriend
Brother <-------
(Upwards arrow) SINGLE.
Not that I'm particularly upset with my dating status, but it is kind of awkward that people assume this (because I carpool with my brother and Eric and we have similar friend groups/ I mostly leech off of Eric's friend group...) and it's getting a little wearing. Once people actually know us, they immediately realize that Eric is the brother I never knew I wanted. But, I can't complain as we've proved to be compatible roommates with similar levels of clutter tolerance (high...).
Anyhow, I'm going to go and do homework now...the real world is calling and I've got WAY too much homework to answer.
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