Monday, September 8, 2008

I totally rocked the Waltz...

And I was definitely in Germany too long. Not only did I have to think out loud how to spell "waltz" (which is German, so that's REALLY pathetic), but this morning I couldn't spell "relevant". Plus people are getting tired of me asking "What's that word again...?", especially Eric, since I don't even know the word in German half of the time.

At any rate. I had ballroom dance this morning. But Steph, you might say - you Don't dance. And you're absolutely 140% correct. I think dancing has to be one of the most socially awkward customs that we have (that and male athletes with their excessive butt-slapping). Or perhaps I'm just that awkward. At any rate, I have resigned myself to my fate and decided to try to grow as a person this semester. So I took ballroom dance (beginners, obviously) and jewelry making/metalsmithing in addition to my 3 English and 1 German course.

Today was the first day that we did anything with a partner. After learning the basic waltz steps, we got going. There were well over 50 people in the class, so we formed a giant circle of pairs and bumbled our way through the first song. After my first partner, I was tired of apologizing so I resigned myself and decided to just try to enjoy it and go with the flow. Amazingly, this helped tremendously. By the time I got to Daniel (we kept switching partners), after a Cassius, Brian, and 2 Andys, he remarked I was the best dancer he'd had yet. Of course, he could be a shameless flirt (or the people in my class could be truly god-awful), but it warmed my small heart.

The Dance TAs are pretty damn funny though. When telling the guys to put their hands on the girls' backs this was the convo:
"So, put your hand EXACTLY in the middle of her back...right over her bra strap. Yes. I said bra strap"
"Don't go too low, it won't work for giving her signals. And don't go really low, or you'll get into a Lot of trouble"
Later, one of the female TA's was telling the girls not to watch their feet (since we're going backwards, we just have to trust our partner. The same male TA from before chimed in with:
"And guys, don't look down at your feet...because, well, if you're looking down the girls won't assume it's Your Feet that you're looking at..."

So the humor helps as well. The last guy I danced with seemed utterly petrified though - with either the concept of girls or dancing. So while it ended on a slightly awkward note, it was still a ton of fun. Not that we've learned anything hard yet (like twirling, or anything Other than hesitation and the basic stepping), but anything that helps my self-esteem I'll take.

Anyhow, it's late and I should go to bed so I can get up and do some homework tomorrow. What a vicious circle.

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